To the Concerned Teenage Family Member or Friend
If you have found evidence or suspect someone close to you may have a drug problem, we at Narateen know how you feel. We remember feeling alone, scared and confused when we discovered a friend or family member was involved with drugs. We understand as few others do. For a while, some of us tried to ignore our suspicions. We were too afraid to ask questions because of what might happen if we did. As the situation got worse, we became more frantic. Our attempts to help did not seem to make things any better. We grew more upset and desperate.
By coming to Narateen meetings, we learn drug addiction is a disease. It is not our fault our friends or relatives became addicts. We are not responsible for their actions. Addicts need help and so do we. For the addicts seeking help, drug recovery programs are available. However, Narateen is designed for us – the teenaged brother, sister, child, or friend of the addict. Weekly Narateen meetings are held regularly throughout the year. We encourage you to attend our meetings. As this is an anonymous program, we use our first names only. There are no charges or obligations for you to attend. You will not be forced to speak, but you can ask questions after the meeting. We do understand how you feel. It is a great relief to learn there are more effective ways to cope with this disease. We are no longer alone. “Copyright 2025 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, INC. Used with Permission” |